Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Dirty House Isn't Going Anywhere

I have nothing crafty to show today as I'm experiencing the worst headache ever while I try to finish the baking, the gifts, and the cleaning.

So I will prattle on just a little more about Daughter.

Right now she has nursed herself to sleep across my lap. She is on a pillow, her little body limp. Her underneath arm is extended and her top arm is flopped against my tummy. Her little legs are partly curled up. This is my favorite thing, watching her breathe and occasionally move her mouth in a sucking motion even though the feeding has ended and the source has been put away. She is so beautiful and I love her so much and sometimes I wish I could keep her just like this forever.

I think the work can wait and I will just sit here for awhile.

1 comment:

Staci said...

I know this is an older post but I haven't been online in over a week. I just had to say that I share this sentiment all the time. I once made my husband come take a picture of my first daughter when she was lying on my lap after nursing to sleep (and I had covered myself back up) because I think it's one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen in my life. It makes me want to stay that way forever, too.