Monday, February 27, 2006


So I had this appointment this morning, nothing big, but I needed my husband to come along so he could sit with Daughter. The plan was to take two cars so Husband could take off directly after my appointment and head to work. We got going on time, which for us is a miracle, and headed onto the relatively major highway we have to take to get anywhere. I was in the lead, and just as I got up to 55 mph.......


The hood of my (2001, not really that old) Jeep slammed open. Yes. At 55 mph. All the way open, hitting the windshield area or at least the frame around it (the windshield wasn't damaged).

Luckily there was not much traffic, and I was able to sort of pull over and put on my hazard lights, but I couldn't see squat so it was difficult to maneuver. I don't think I'm a wussy girl, and I've taken care of myself on many occasions, but I have to admit I don't know quite what I'd have done if my husband hadn't been right behind me. All I could do for a minute there was sit with my hand over my heart, which was just pounding. He was able to close the hood but not all the way - the latches seem to be corroded beyond functionality. Still, we made it the mile or so back to the house.

So. Now my hood is, well...broken. Bent. Dinged. Scratched. And it doesn't close all the way. We are not sure why the safety latch failed - that's what it's there for, after all.

Thank God it wasn't nighttime. Had it been dark, the situation could have been much scarier and more dangerous. This is certainly not the worst thing that can happen in an automobile. And I really wanted to talk about knitting and sewing and my daughter and my weekend but right now I just feel rattled and frustrated...and I'm just thinking that this is one more thing chipping away at our awesome tax return. Boo.


Scoutj said...

Oh noooooo! Is it something faulty that JEEP can deal with? That is so scary. A few months ago my brakes went completely out and thankfully I was just across the street at the bus stop. I don't know what I would have done if I had been on the highway. Scary stuff. I'm glad you are okay.

Staci said...

Wow. That's really frightening! Hopefully it is some fault that Jeep will take care of for you, because no way should something be eroding in five years! Sheesh! I'm glad you're okay.

Ruth said...

Oh, Kate, how frightening!!! I'm so grateful that you are o.k.

Be gentle with yourself today ....

Anonymous said...

Holy crap!!! How scary!
Glad that you're ok!