Tuesday, June 13, 2006


All that baloney from yesterday has blown over. My mom (saint!) has invited my mother-in-law over tomorrow afternoon for a cup of tea and a visit. Things are fine. I'm over it.

Remarkably, I'm feeling pretty calm right now. I had a regular OB checkup this afternoon and my BP was normal. The baby looks good and I'm measuring 22 cm at 23 weeks. All good. I think maybe I've gotten all the worrying out over the last month and now I just want to get this over with. Both the surgeon's office and the hospital called today to remind me to come to the hospital tomorrow. That's good 'cause I probably would have forgotten otherwise.

Well, I have about 3 hours to eat whatever I want. Better go snack! Please send the positive vibes my way tomorrow. I'll be back in a few days.


Ann-Marie MacKay said...

i hope that you feel peace and comfort tomorrow.
know that your babies are safe and that all will be well!!!

Unknown said...

Lots of prayers heading your way today! I'm looking forward to hearing from you in a few days. Hooray for saintly mothers!

Staci said...

Your mother is amazing - I love mine but she never would have been that kind and generous. My thoughts and prayers will be with you over the next few days!

Anonymous said...

Sending you lots of good thoughts.

Teresa said...

Oh wow, I misse this post last night. I hope everything went well, and that you are recovering nicely. I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

Carbon said...

Here from the Big Tradeoff. Just wanted to wish you well and send you those positive vibes :)