Wednesday, May 10, 2006

**warning - spoiler ahead!**

Well sports fans, the news is good today! The baby is looking great and...'s another girl! Woo-hoo! Though I would certainly have been thrilled with a boy, having a second baby of the same gender is going to be a lot easier on me. We can re-use everything - especially all the gorgeous handknits. And I can make more pink and purple stuff! Now the only problem is a name. Daughter has her name because it was the one and only girl name Hub and I could agree on. I don't know how we're going to do it again.

The doctor we saw today is a neonatologist and an expert in the field. He is like a really neat grandpa and I loved him instantly. He said he can say with 99% certainty that we have a perfect baby and he also was able to explain my bleeding problem to me in terms that I can totally understand. For anyone interested:

Apparently what I had is called a subchorionic bleed. I can't find anything good to link to for that, but from what the doctor said it's a bleed that happens between the amniotic sac and the uterine wall. During my sono today he showed me where you could see a lacy looking area, indicating an "old bleed" that is now clotting. Unfortunately he had no real explanation for why it happens. It appears to be a small area where perhaps the placenta has not completely attached. In my case, there is no evidence of placental abruption or tear, so no harm should come to me or the babe. He said I will just experience bleeding and spotting until the blood is gone, which could take weeks or months or whatever. There's no way to tell. Yuck. The good news is that bed rest is unnecessary, and I can maintain my daily routine (oh good, I can cook and clean). I am also allowed to lift and hold and cuddle Daughter, which is all I really care about.

Tomorrow, endocrinologist. Once again, stay tuned.

(Also maybe some knitting content...)


Jenn said...

Congrats! That's super exciting! Everyone I know keeps having boys!

Unknown said...

So much wonderful news in one day!!!! Hooray for a new little girl and for a healthy pregnancy with answers!!!

Ruth said...

How wonderful, on all counts!!! I'm so happy for you ...

Scoutj said...

Hooray! Vah-jayjays! :)

Staci said...

I'm so excited for you. A house full of girls - I'm sure your husband is thrilled :). You know I love having two little girls. It's a blast. Congrats!