Wednesday, May 03, 2006


When Daughter was born one year and two weeks ago, her sugar level was something like 35, and it should have been more like 100. They had to keep testing her and working to get that number up, so among other things this meant she had her heels pricked about eleventy billion times over the course of the 2.5 days following her birth. When I saw her teeny purple and red and blue bruised and battered heels I cried. I thought it was the saddest thing ever.


Watching her have blood drawn from her little teeny arm today while she sobbed was, in fact, the saddest thing ever.


Scoutj said...


Staci said...

Aw. Ruth had to have the sugar checks after she was born as well (just because she was large, though her numbers were never off). After a while they stopped having to prick her because they could just squeeze the drop of blood from an existing puncture. That made me want to cry every time they came in! I've never had to watch them draw blood from her arm though. Just the thought makes me cringe. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

WOW, yeah, that would make me cry.. It made me cry when the doctor gave her shots at 6 months, and had me hold her down... she started giggling cause she thought it was a game. Broke my heart.
Thankfully, they haven't drawn blood. They did do an iron test on her recently, but that was a pin prick on her finger, and she acted like nothing had happened

Ramona said...

The same thing happened when my son was born. It's very hard to see your children in pain.

Unknown said...

Yes, that is truly horrific.

Watching an IV get installed in a tiny arm is right up there with it. Horrible, I say.