That is a GREAT hoodie. I love the really classic looking stuff. :)
Congrats on three years. We have that one coming up next month with my current youngest, and I agree that I don't know where the time went. Part of my feels like I don't know how she's still ONLY two, because she wows me every day with her knowledge and growth, but the rest of me can't figure out where my baby's gone. {sigh}
Welcome! I'm a stay-home mom and homemaker, knitting and sewing during every free moment. And no, I do not do these things sans clothing! We Buffalonians sometimes refer to our fair city as "the Buff," thus the name of this blog.
That is a GREAT hoodie. I love the really classic looking stuff. :)
Congrats on three years. We have that one coming up next month with my current youngest, and I agree that I don't know where the time went. Part of my feels like I don't know how she's still ONLY two, because she wows me every day with her knowledge and growth, but the rest of me can't figure out where my baby's gone. {sigh}
Happy birthday, big girl!
Look at that sweet baby - Happy Birthday!
What a beautiful profile she has. Happy birthday, sweet girl!!
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