But speaking of dresses:
Simplicity 3897, view B, size 1
The verdict on this one? I adore it. The pattern is not hard, just a bit time consuming. My usual M.O. is to make dresses that take one naptime to sew up. This one took two. Oh well. Totally worth it.
I altered the trim a bit as I found the size 1 bodice to be so tiny that two ribbons would have overwhelmed it. I wanted some of the cherries to show. I also skipped the trim at the hemline, both because it seemed a bit much, and because I didn't feel like wrestling the ribbon ends under each other neatly. I have only so much patience, and it was really used up on all the gathers and the zipper in this pattern, oh, and the sleeves...have you noticed I literally never sew anything with sleeves? Time to challenge myself and get these skills under my belt.
I'm glad I made it - pretty easy and it looks very professional when complete. I even plan to make more - it only takes a yard of fabric, a 9" zipper, and some ribbon or trim (which is totally optional anyway). The only trouble is, even the size 1 gaps on Daughter. I gotta fatten this kid up!
Also gotta get her a sandbox one of these days.
The dress is soo sweet! Sleeves I can handle. ZIPPERS make me pee my panties a little bit.
She is such a sweet little bitty thing!
And I'm just the opposite. Hate those sleeves, but LOVE me a good zipper:)
The dress is darling.
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