Thursday, June 22, 2006

just my opinion...

You know what really frosts my cookies? When you go into the grocery store in summer, which is always chilled to a subarctic temperature, and you see all these babies with barely any clothes on. Damn, people, babies get cold! A lot faster than we do! And they are not walking around to generate any warmth to their extremities!

Please, put some socks on your teeny baby, and a little cotton sweater, or at least lay a light receiving blanket over the child. My daughter runs on the warm side, which she gets from Hub, but she still gets chilly in the freezing cold market. She always has socks and a little lightweight cotton shirt over her sundress.

Last summer when she was only a couple of months old, Daughter and I were shopping and an older lady stopped me to say she was happy to see socks on my baby. I thought to myself, "duh, of course she has socks on, it's freaking cold in here." I couldn't understand who wouldn't put socks on a tiny baby. Alas. Now I see.

**edit: I am talking here about teeny weeny babies...newborns especially. Babies cannot regulate their body temps until they are around 1 year old. The toddler set is another story. Today at the store my kiddo had on a sundress so her legs were bare, but she had socks and a little long sleeve knit cotton shirt over top (just for the store; the car was hot, hot, hot). Mostly I just can't deal with the newborns being exposed (in the sun too, but wow, that's another whole issue).


Teresa said...

Ok, I admit it, Lil bit was in the store today with a short set today... but she DID have socks and shoes.(she is also very hot blooded) I am glad you didn't go on a rant about grocery stores being cold.. I work in one, and hear it ALL DAY

Anonymous said...

the thing that gets me is little tiny babies with no hats on in the blaring sun.
i almost want to smack people who don't cover their children's heads.

Staci said...

That's actually something I've never noticed, but I'm sure it'll start driving me crazy now. I always had a receiving blanket with me when we shopped so I could block the sun from the babies' faces and tuck it around them in the arctic temps of the stores. It's not like that's SO hard to tote around... Come on, people. Care for you kids!

"Grandi" said...

Back a couple days to your bloomers! How did you figure the length of the elastic for the waist and the legs? I will be doing this long distance, and I can have momma measure her for me - but how much did you add to your measurement so it would fit right?